Thursday, 4 May 2017

Guy Allan Davis Sharing his Views on Benefits of Buying Local

Guy Allan Davis is a respected pastry chef based in Kelowna, British Columbia. He is a Certified MasterChef specializing in Patisserie and Confiserie. Mr. Davis is also an advocate of buying local ingredients.

Buying local might seem to be a fad, or simply too expensive, but in the eyes of a passionate chef like Guy Allan Davis, it is anything but. In addition to lower costs, buying local offers benefits like those touched on below:

·         Taste and Presentation.

Locally-grown food tastes better. When ingredients are packaged at their peak, everything from cheese to lettuce has a better, fresher flavor. Furthermore, you can purchase locally-grown goods in a less-processed state, meaning they look better and improve the presentation of your food.

·         Health.

With a shorter farm-to-table period, the nutrients in the food have less time to deteriorate. Often, the further away food comes from, the less nutritious it is when it hits your plate. This means that local ingredients can nourish your body more than ones from out of state or country.

·         Agriculture.

Buying local boosts agriculture by helping to preserve genetic diversity in plants. Rather than selecting varieties based on their ability to grow uniformly and survive packaging, local suppliers can choose what to grow based on quality.

If you’re as passionate about baking and cooking as Guy AllanDavis is, think before you shop and buy local whenever you can.