Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Guy Allan Davis - The Life of a Pastry Chef

From the outside looking in, the life of a pastry chef can seem pretty easy. From coming up with new recipes to sampling some of the sweetest, finest ingredients on earth, there is a lot to love about the job.
However, as professional pastry chef Guy Allan Davis knows, it’s not all about crème brulee and confections. Make no mistake, being a pastry chef is a challenging job that requires individuals to be mentally and physically prepared for the demands. The pastry kitchen is one that tests the limits of each chef, and only those with the right balance of skill and knowledge thrive.

If you think being a pastry chef is a career option you might want to consider, it’s important to know as much about the job beforehand.

Among the world’s best pastry chefs are some practitioners who have learned on their own and through apprenticeships, while there are others who have attended culinary school to learn the necessary skills.
Preparing desserts and pastries is a science and an art that requires scientific knowledge and technical skills. As a result, many professional pastry chefs often recommend that formal education is important in teaching aspiring chefs the fundamental concepts of the trade.

Daily work
In the course of a typical day, a pastry chef will have a number of responsibilities on their hands. These range from coordinating the efforts of other kitchen staff to developing new desserts and pastries. For skilled pastry chefs, there is also the aspect of procuring the right ingredients for making pastries.