Guy Allan Davis is a Certified Master Chef whose home base is
Kelowna, British Columbia. He has studied his craft throughout Europe, and
received his certification in 2007.
Guy Allan Davis “is definitely a leader rather than a follower,”
said Executive Chef Mahmud Sayyad in 2009. “Allan developed a reputation for
creating special desserts themes for unique occasions. Allan has proven his
philosophy to make at least 85% of all dessert and bread items from scratch” –
an extraordinary feat in Sayyad’s large-scale operation.
Among Guy Allan Davis’s innovations is his development of
reducing sodium in bread and other baked goods by twenty-three percent, “all
without sacrificing any of the flavor.” Sodium is an essential mineral, but
maintaining a low-sodium diet is important for many people with heart problems.
The development of low-sodium bread is significant, because cutting
down on sodium consumption is more than just avoiding the salt shaker. Bread is
one of the so-called “Salty Six” that some heart patients have been cautioned
about. The other high-sodium foods identified by doctors and nutritionists are
rolls, bagels, and flour tortillas, as well as cold cuts and cured meats. By
limiting sodium and fluid intake, these patients can better control the amount
of fluid around the heart, lungs, and legs.
Ideally, meals should be made with fresh ingredients, and with
no added salt. That way, you know exactly what is going into your meals. But
most of us are accustomed to having salt in our food, and eliminating it can
result in bland, flavorless meals. To compensate, look for salt substitutes, or
begin to explore the vast range of herbs and spices that to satisfy your palate
while keeping salt intake under control.
Guy Allan Davis has also created freezer-to-oven bread dough,
and tempting desserts and chocolates with reduced sugar, for people with Type 2